Thursday, September 22, 2011

Looking for Pagan groups for participant observation project for Cherry Hill Seminary

I am trying to help two colleagues of mine at Cherry Hill Seminary find Pagan groups for a project of theirs in their graduate-level Contemporary Global Paganisms class. 

(Click here for description of course.) 

They would, of course, be willing to put any group(s) in touch with the professor supervising the research. 

They are looking for groups in western Arkansas/eastern Oklahoma and in Portland, Oregon.

To meet the criteria for the project, they need groups that are specifically Pagan, and probably not eclectic (because the project needs to be with a group in a Pagan tradition not the researcher's own, and both are part of eclectic traditions). 

If you have any leads, please feel free to leave me a comment or to send me an email at the address listed on my "About" page. 

Thanks so much for your help!

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