Sunday, March 28, 2010

Queries for the Full Moon

In 2008, I began developing queries for worship-sharing at the Full Moon. You are welcome to use these or discern your own.

Queries for Full Moon worship-sharing:

  • What am I thankful for in the month since the last Full Moon? Or, since we met last? What do I wish to bring to fruition by the next Full Moon?
  • The phases of the moon -- waxing, full, waning, and dark -- can be seen as the phases of a woman's life, and as the three faces of the Goddess: Maiden, Mother, and Crone, and the space between between death and life. How have I experienced the Goddess as Mother? How have I experienced another Deity, or another face of the Divine, as Mother?


  1. What a beautiful idea. I've been praying using the Lord's Prayer as a springboard for a couple months now but can't bring myself to use the words "our father" except in rote recitation. When I am truly working to connect with the divine I call it Sweet Mother or Our Lady. Thank you for being here and writing. You are an inspiration to this aspiring pagan-quaker-seeker :)

  2. Thank you, Alyss! I appreciate it. :)

    I do know there's a version that starts something like, "Our Mother, Who art everywhere, Your name has never been forgotten..." I will have to ask the woman I hear that from for the rest of it.


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